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All the best,
Tail Number: 42-50375 U: Un_le and W: Willie (some letters won't type in this bo)
Pilot: (Letter after B) _lement G. S_erba_k of Barberten?
Rt. Seat: John P. Martin, Syrause, NY
Navigator/Bombardier: Paul B. Sturgill of Le_ington, Ky.
Radio Operator: Fred Helmstetter S or W Orange, NJ
Tail Gunner: Bob _lements of Philadelphia, PA
Waist Gunner: Danny _larke Yonkers, NY
Waist Gunner: Leland J. Teeters Goodland, KS
Missing names for Engineer and nose gunner.
701st Division
James Stewart Commanding Officer
Philip Barton Miller Bombidier
Shot down April 1, 194?
Stalag Luft 1
Barth, Germany
Staff Sergeant George V. McGuiness was born September 24, 1923. His next of kin was his wife, Irene McGuiness, and his parents, George and Helen McGuiness. He was from Brooklyn, New York.
On March 20, 1945, while serving as a Gunner aboard B-24 tail #44-48851 of the 445th Bomb Group, 701st Bomb Squadron, his plane went down over the North Sea near Heligoland.
Are there perhaps people who can help me with my quest?
Thank you.
Rick Jongbloed.
I never knew him only stories. Would like some facts. (if possible)